Meet your florist

salt lake utah wedding florist designing in bonneville salt flats

Hello friend, let’s get to know each other!


Hi, it’s Kenn! I am the oldest child in my family who married the youngest child in his (they say it's the perfect match...I finish raising him while he chills me out), I am a creative individual and therefore take up the whole closet in our tiny apartment with craft supplies, I am a lover of nature and have a personal belief that Mother Nature is our Heavenly Mother, I constantly have a candle burning in my house and my nightstand is always stacked with books, I have a large collection of mugs and an obsession with thrifting glassware, Costa Vida over Cafe Rio every day, and Chick-Fil-A is overrated (sorry not sorry), I'm a dog person and fall is my favorite season even though the 4th of July is my favorite holiday, sometimes I'm really clever and funny while other times I fall flat, I believe you can choose your family and that best friends are your soulmates, and last but not least, Africa by Toto is the best song ever composed.